San Antonio Domestic Violence Attorney
Experienced Domestic Violence Attorneys Providing Aggressive Representaiton
Have you been accused of domestic violence? Not only do these kinds of charges come with harsh penalties if a conviction is reached, but can also severely damage the reputation of the accused. That is why aggressive and effective criminal defense is needed in these cases. At The Law Office of Guillermo Lara Jr., Attorney Lara has handled hundreds of cases and ensures that the rights of his clients are thoroughly protected. If you have been charged, contact his firm immediately.
Attorney Lara is ready to offer you a free evaluation to start your defense. Call (210) 787-2842 today to speak with a DV lawyer near you.
Will Your Domestic Violence Case Go to Court?
Most domestic violence criminal cases do not go to trial. Your attorney may have a conference with the district attorney after you enter your plea. He or she will be able to review the evidence the district attorney has against you, which means they will know what the state attorney will use to try to prove that you are guilty of a crime.
Types of Domestic Violence Charges in Texas
Texas statutes provide three different kinds of domestic violence charges: domestic assault, aggravated domestic assault, and something called "continuous violence against the family." What particular law applies to your charge depends on the circumstances of the alleged offense.
Definitions of domestic violence charges in Texas are as follows:
Domestic assault is charged when a normal assault charge is detailed in Tex. Penal Code Ann. §22.01 is committed against a household member, current or former romantic partner, or a family member. It is a Class A misdemeanor but can be charged with a third-degree felony if the accused has a history of prior domestic violence charges.
Your Attorney Can Make The DifferenceThe best kind of defense strategy is one that can also go on the offense.Learn What To Expect
Are You Facing Federal Criminal Charges?You need an attorney who understands the difference between the State and Federal system.Find Out What To Look For
Our Staff Is Available 24/7Learn how our office can protect your rights and freedoms.Free Consultation
Aggressive Defense Lawyer Who Levels the Playing Field for You
With your freedom at stake, you have no time to waste. Learn more about the powerful defense you can expect when you contact Attorney Lara today! You will need to take action before prosecutors begin building a case against you. Attorney Lara will look into all available records, hire a private investigator, and get to work filing motions to fight the evidence collected by the prosecutor. Call (210) 787-2842 to get started on your defense.
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